- Apr 02, 2019
- Apr 01, 2019
Alex Pott authored
Alex Pott authored
Lauri Timmanee authored
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #2943657 by pawandubey, Shiva Srikanth T, markconroy, ckrina, alexpott, finnsky, vadim.hirbu, Utkarsh_Mishra, ressa, lauriii, kjay, borisson_: Embedding only needed weights for Open Sans and Scope One
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #3035325 by pawandubey, blackdeer, mradcliffe, andrewmacpherson, mgifford, Adita, redzeuf: Image ALT text in Supermarket Savvy Shopping article isn't very informative
- Mar 29, 2019
Jess authored
Gábor Hojtsy authored
Issue #3027614 by markconroy, BrightBold, tatarbj, shaal, Denes.Szabo, Gábor Hojtsy, Eli-T, tim.plunkett: Use Layout Builder in Umami for the recipe content type in full view mode
Alex Bronstein authored
Issue #3039287 by bendeguz.csirmaz, effulgentsia, xjm, alexpott, catch, jibran, hampercm, tedbow, Joseph Zhao, dawehner: Implement changes required to remove support for PHP 5.5 and 5.6
Lee Rowlands authored
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #2811749 by naveenvalecha, andypost, harsha012, xjm: Move ActionAddForm & ActionEditForm to src/Form
- Mar 28, 2019
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3043646 by tedbow, lauriii, bnjmnm, xjm, tim.plunkett, effulgentsia, DyanneNova, webchick: For sites that have made layout overrides prior to 8.7.0 or sites that manually enable translation of the layout override field, add UI warnings
- Mar 27, 2019
Jess authored
Alex Bronstein authored
Issue #3043651 by tedbow, plach, tim.plunkett, effulgentsia, xjm: Update the Layout field to non-translatable when possible
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #2995893 by tim.plunkett, Dylan Donkersgoed: Layout builder chokes on form exceptions that are part of natural form processing