- Apr 30, 2010
Dries Buytaert authored
- Patch #645800 by katbailey, effulgentsia, rfay: ajax_deliver() ignores #ajax['method'] and incorrectly forces 'replaceWith' for simple AJAX callbacks, D6->D7 regression.
Dries Buytaert authored
- Patch #755566 by effulgentsia: use of ID within theme_filter_guidelines() breaks HTML validation with more than 1 field item on a page.
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
#551658 by pwolanin, aaron, drewish: Move private files to an opt-in system, and no longer force private files to live within web-accessible directory.
- Apr 29, 2010
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
#758804 by David_Rothstein: Remove unnecessary calls to rebuild module and theme data in the installer.
Angie Byron authored
#764798 by jhodgdon, andypost, douggreen, elly, afreeman: Document that various actions can make your search index out of synch.
Angie Byron authored
#764094 by David_Rothstein: Add tests to check that the theme system works in hook_init() (i.e., as early as possible).
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
#299308 follow-up by David_Rothstein: Fixed Installing Drupal by visiting index.php (rather than install.php) leads to a fatal error when PDO is not enabled.
Angie Byron authored
- Apr 28, 2010
Dries Buytaert authored
- Patch #782788 by joachim, marcvangend: theme settings page help text takes the theme name from the URL.
Dries Buytaert authored
Dries Buytaert authored
Dries Buytaert authored
Dries Buytaert authored
- Patch #716718 by joachim, jhodgdon: add notes on security and proper use of user_load() to its function documentation.
Dries Buytaert authored
Dries Buytaert authored
Dries Buytaert authored
- Patch #755030 by jhedstrom, sivaji, kkaefer: #field_prefix()/suffix is displayed before the label. With tests.
Dries Buytaert authored
Dries Buytaert authored
- Patch #765860 by effulgentsia, dww, dereine, mikey_p, sun: make drupal_alter() support multiple alter hooks executed by module weight.
Angie Byron authored
#520736 by grendzy, brianV, JoshuaRogers, kjy07, Damien Tournoud, greggles: Fixed SA-CORE-2009-007 forum module XSS.
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
#211182 follow-up by clemens.tolboom, David_Rothstein, tstoeckler: Re-work update depencency check to deal with array_merge_recursive() edge case (with tests).
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
#654726 by bdurbin, sun, plach, et al: Fixed Installing Drupal 7 in non-English language doesn't pick up st() installation lists.
Angie Byron authored
Angie Byron authored
- Apr 27, 2010
Dries Buytaert authored
Dries Buytaert authored
- Patch #737632 by Georg, casey, aspilicious: menu children take top of left region or not at all in IE.
Dries Buytaert authored
- Patch #683988 by catch, dww, aspilicious: failure to clear the system_list() entry from {cache_bootstrap()} results in bogus results when you upgrade a module.
Dries Buytaert authored