Issue #2158571 by tstoeckler, dawehner, kgoel, chx, tim.plunkett, catch, effulgentsia: Fixed Followup: Routes added in RouteSubscribers cannot be altered.
Issue #2336199 by benjy, tstoeckler, ultimike: Added Allow to specify the database target for a specific migration.
Issue #2348547 followup by larowlan: Fixed CommentViewBuilder should use static where possible, subclassing is currently too painful.
Issue #2342683 by David Hernández, dawehner: Fixed NodeViewBuilder should use static where possible, subclassing is currently too painful.
Issue #2319667 by aneek, vurt, dankh: Fixed Simpletest Module Double escaped HTML in hook_requirements.
Issue #74562 by naxoc, eiriksm, mikemiles86 | llizards: Added Show keywords in title of search results page.
Revert "Issue #2349651 by yannisc, larowlan: Fixed Default contact form does not send email as email recipient is not set during the installation." This reverts commit 62f8b460.
Issue #2349651 by yannisc, larowlan: Fixed Default contact form does not send email as email recipient is not set during the installation.
Issue #2322037 by oenie, Temoor, jepSter, rpayanm: Replace all instances of responsive_image_mapping_load(), entity_load('responsive_image_mapping') and entity_load_multiple('responsive_image_mapping') with static method calls.
Issue #2347465 by tim.plunkett, dawehner, cilefen: Convert all instances of #type link/links to convert to use routes.
Issue #2322067 by Temoor, ashutoshsngh, roderik, finn.lewis: Replace all instances of taxonomy_term_load(), entity_load('taxonomy_term') and entity_load_multiple('taxonomy_term') with static method calls.
Issue #2318377 by dawehner, Wim Leers, damiankloip: Determine whether a view is cacheable and its required contexts, store this i/t config entity.
Issue #2346369 by Wim Leers: Support special '#attached' variable for attaching assets in preprocess functions.
Issue #2028053 by vegantriathlete, franxo, InternetDevels, thamas, rootwork, LewisNyman: Add typographic styles, components, and utility classes.
Issue #2350301 by mitrpaka: Replace extend of deprecated DrupalUnitTestBase with KernelTestBase in Contextual.
Issue #2226207 by lauriii, mgbellaire, Cottser, m1r1k, Mark Carver, LinL, rachel_norfolk, rteijeiro, skwashd, davidhernandez, euphoric_mv: Make 'template' the default output option for hook_theme().
Issue #2329901 by lanchez, lauriii | davidhernandez: Move form classes from preprocess to templates.
Revert "Issue #2343677 by damiankloip, znerol, Fabianx: Fixed Stack middleware suffers from incomplete service construction." This reverts commit c033857b.
Issue #2346791 by rpayanm, Palashvijay4 | thamas: Remove id selectors from page template of Seven .
Issue #1946240 by eiriksm, David_Rothstein, Yaron Tal, madhusudanmca, rszrama: Remove the hardcoded 0 index in status-messages.html.twig.
Issue #2343677 by damiankloip, znerol, Fabianx: Fixed Stack middleware suffers from incomplete service construction.
Issue #2350915 by pwolanin: Don't require bundle option to be passed in when creating a MenuLinkContent entity.
Issue #2337379 by skippednote, BarisW, derjochenmeyer, herom, ChandeepKhosa, kiliweb, sqndr, Palashvijay4 | LewisNyman: Rename 'branding' to 'content-header'.
Issue #2267551 by jfhovinne, ParisLiakos, catch: PHP 5.4.5 needed to avoid zend failure when using autoloaded traits.
Issue #2346315 by Désiré, amateescu: Fixed Translated entity references not rendered in the entity display language.
Issue #2270251 by yvesvanlaer | Bojhan: Unwanted box around CKEditor, i.e. our CSS overrides no longer work (presumably since CKEditor 4.4 upgrade).
Issue #2345879 by marcvangend: Added Enhance ThirdPartySettingsTrait with a get-all-settings method.
Issue #1922966 by jibran, damiankloip: Remove 'bool' and 'translatable' key from option definitions.
Issue #2337825 by YesCT, martin107, mon_franco: Update comment references to the interface for ConfigurableLanguage class due to the ConfigurableLanguageInterface (followup).
Issue #2350461 by mradcliffe, chx, David_Rothstein: Fixed issues with UpdateComplexTest in PostgreSQL driver.
Issue #2347711 by yched, undertext: Fixed FieldItemlListInterface::processDefaultValue($default_value) is expected to massage polymorphic data.