Issue #2707689: NodeForm::actions() checks for delete access on new entities
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3<p>{% trans %}Quick editing is editing either content or settings inline. Content quick editing is provided by the core Quick Edit module, and settings quick editing is provided by the core Settings Tray module; both of them require the core Contextual Links module in order to expose the links that let you edit in place.{% endtrans %}</p>
<p>{% trans %}In order to follow these steps to edit content in place, the core Quick Edit module must be installed; to edit settings, the core Settings Tray module must be installed. Also, either the core Toolbar module or a contributed replacement must be installed. You will need to have <em>Use contextual links</em> permission, as well as permission to edit the particular content or settings.{% endtrans %}</p>
<p>{% trans %}In order to follow these steps to edit settings in place, the core Settings Tray module must be installed. Also, either the core Toolbar module or a contributed replacement must be installed. You will need to have <em>Use contextual links</em> permission, as well as permission to edit the particular content or settings.{% endtrans %}</p>