Twig debug output does not display all suggestions when an array of theme hooks is passed to #theme
Closes #2118743
Edited by John Albin Wilkins
Merge request reports
added 2 commits
marked as a Work In Progress from issue/drupal-2118743@c56b47a7
added 24 commits
c56b47a7...6aab2237 - 23 commits from branch
- 5acdbb57 - Merge branch '9.2.x' into 2118743-twig-debug-output
c56b47a7...6aab2237 - 23 commits from branch
added 18 commits
5acdbb57...eefad6e4 - 14 commits from branch
- f34de7d2 - Refactor TwigDebugMarkupTest
- 6ff73287 - Fix template_suggestions Twig variable ordering
- 0eb0f95b - Refactor ThemeSuggestionsAlterTest
- d403841a - Merge branch '9.2.x' into 2118743-twig-debug-output
Toggle commit list-
5acdbb57...eefad6e4 - 14 commits from branch
added 30 commits
d403841a...f43ed87d - 28 commits from branch
- 42bf58c7 - Merge branch '9.2.x' into 2118743-twig-debug-output
- 66d0ac3a - Fix tests: hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK() should not return base hook.
d403841a...f43ed87d - 28 commits from branch
added 10 commits
66d0ac3a...ad1cbe9b - 9 commits from branch
- 23eb7154 - Merge branch '9.2.x' into 2118743-twig-debug-output
66d0ac3a...ad1cbe9b - 9 commits from branch
added 1 commit
- 67899a96 - Add new test for unexpanded array suggestions
added 1 commit
- 89cc8eef - Fix edge case where the last base hook suggestion is not the base hook
added 22 commits
cecbf4b6...81768d40 - 20 commits from branch
- 6d8af5ef - Update code to better match variables used in #3187010 fix.
- 5886d88d - Merge branch '9.2.x' into 2118743-twig-debug-output
cecbf4b6...81768d40 - 20 commits from branch
added 65 commits
ffb3c728...7e79ca91 - 57 commits from branch
- e5e34008 - Merge branch '9.2.x' into 2118743-twig-debug-output
- 4ede5369 - Convert Views suggestions test to KernalTest.
- 96ee69f1 - Convert theme suggestions alter test to KernalTest.
- 4047189b - Convert Twig debug test to KernalTest.
- f9152813 - Update code to better match variables used in #3187010 fix.
- c7ebaecc - Override KernelTestBase::render()
- f8e1fbdd - Revert $original_hooks variable rename
- 01d3bd76 - Merge branch '9.2.x' into 2118743-twig-debug-output
Toggle commit list-
ffb3c728...7e79ca91 - 57 commits from branch
- Resolved by John Albin Wilkins
- Resolved by John Albin Wilkins
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