- Oct 06, 2020
catch authored
Issue #3172537 by andypost, mikelutz, Gábor Hojtsy, kim.pepper: Passing a command as string when creating a "Symfony\Component\Process\Process" instance is deprecated since Symfony 4.2, pass it as an array of its arguments instead, or use the "Process::fromShellCommandline()" constructor if you need features provided
- Oct 05, 2020
Alex Pott authored
- Oct 02, 2020
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #26552 by jhedstrom, quietone, Angry Dan, nlisgo, tssarun, acbramley, esod, sime, mindbet, aleevas, kevin.dutra, swatichouhan012, larowlan, deepakaryan1988, Mouna Hammami, scottrigby, JaredAM, ravi.shankar, andy_w, Heine, mgifford, paulocs, alexpott, xjm, pameeela, leslieg, Shyamala, mdupont, Ramya Balasubramanian: Allow users with access to unpublished nodes to create unpublished books
Alex Pott authored
catch authored
- Oct 01, 2020
- Sep 30, 2020
Alex Pott authored
Alex Pott authored
Gábor Hojtsy authored
catch authored
- Sep 29, 2020
Alex Bronstein authored
Issue #3067523 by lauriii, huzooka, bnjmnm, nod_, alexpott: Add Drupal JavaScript theme functions for password confirm widget
Lee Rowlands authored
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #3126746 by danflanagan8, Deepak Goyal, Neslee Canil Pinto, geek-merlin, tim.plunkett: LayoutBuilderHtmlEntityFormController breaks decoration
Lee Rowlands authored
Lee Rowlands authored
- Sep 28, 2020
Edys Meza authored
Alex Pott authored
Lee Rowlands authored
Issue #2336569 by bnjmnm, lauriii, Stefan Lehmann, samaphp, HeikeT, tompagabor, katherined, larowlan, alexpott, pghaemim, raedkhurayji: Remove incomplete <span> usage from #field_prefix and #field_suffix
Edys Meza authored
Lauri Timmanee authored
Issue #3057772 by katherined, sd9121, boulaffasae, bnjmnm, komalkolekar, lauriii, KondratievaS, ckrina, DyanneNova, Ambient.Impact, sirtet, andrewmacpherson, yoroy: Ambiguous icons for collapsing/expanding menu items
catch authored